Organisational Design & Restructuring
Organization design is a significant accelerator of performance, especially in today’s complex business environments. Direct alignment of the organization to its vision, mission, values, strategy and business model is of essence. Markets offer choice, flexibility, and strategic opportunities.
The most seductive image of the organisation of the future is the self-managed network. It conjures up visions of many highly motivated departments, each with a focused expertise, interacting in a creative, bureaucracy-free and cohesive manner. Hierarchy and internal politics are at a minimum. The organisation operates like a market, but is more effective than a market due to a set of relationships, ties, commitments, and shared intent that make it a purposeful entity.
Reduction of uncertainty, fast access to information, reliability, and responsiveness are paramount concerns that motivate organizations in network organisations. Successful networks involve complementarity and accommodation. Reputation, interdependence, and altruism are integral. Taking a long term perspective enhances reciprocity. Know-how, the demand for speed, and trust are critical components of successful network organisations.
This image contrasts so vividly with many of today’s complex corporate organizations. These organisations impede decision-making with their ambiguity, kill creativity with their rules and procedures, and sap energy through the heavy hand of hierarchy.
We design new organizational synergistic structures where reciprocal patterns of communication and exchange are alternatives to hierarchically or product-based governance structures. We design organizational models that are more suited to describing players involved in an intricate latticework of collaborative ventures with other institutions and playmates over an extended period of time.
STRATEGOS has proven tools and methodologies in Organisational Design to help our clients drive more safely and efficiently in enhancing Profitability, Growth and Market Share.
- Les Jamalacs Building, Vieux Conseil Street, Port Louis, Mauritius
- +230 5422 5046